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4 Ways to Give Your Smile a Spring Cleaning

March 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 11:50 am
person spring cleaning their smile by brushing their teeth

Every spring, many people thoroughly clean their homes by scrubbing surfaces, wiping away dust, and getting rid of old items that they no longer need. This allows them to make room for new purchases or just make their space less congested. Though this term is used to refer to shaping up one’s home, have you ever considered spring cleaning for your smile? If your oral hygiene could use some work, read on to learn about four Spring cleaning tips that will help get your smile on the right track.

#1: Upgrade Your Toothbrush

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends replacing your toothbrush every three to four months. This is because the bristles start to become frayed and worn over time, which makes them less effective at cleaning your smile. If you don’t already have an electric toothbrush, spring cleaning is a great opportunity to purchase one. They can remove more plaque than manual toothbrushes, which means that they’re the better choice when it comes to achieving a healthy, happy smile.

#2: Clean Your Toothbrush Holder

When was the last time you cleaned your toothbrush holder? Though it’s one of the germiest places in your home, many people overlook doing this. At least once per week, clean your toothbrush holder with disinfectant or in the dishwasher. This will keep both it and the toothbrushes in it free of germs and bacteria that can enter through your mouth and cause oral health issues.

#3: Schedule a Professional Teeth Cleaning

Twice per year, make sure to schedule a dental checkup. During these visits, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and your mouth will be examined for signs of oral health issues. If there are any present, your dentist will administer prompt treatment to prevent them from getting any worse. This is also a great time for you to ask your dentist any questions you have about your smile.

#4: Cut Out Bad Habits

Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol in excess can both lead to dry mouth, which raises your chances of cavities, gum disease, and several other oral health issues. Smoking can also stain your teeth and makes you more likely to develop several types of cancer. Additionally, eating too much sugar can do a lot of harm to your smile by feeding the bacteria that cause cavities. If you have bad habits that are harming your smile, there’s no better time than the present to start working your way out of them.

So, while you’re cleaning out old or unused items to make space for the new this spring, don’t forget to pay extra attention to your smile. Your pearly whites will surely thank you for it!

About the Practice

If you live in the Lexington area and need help taking care of your pearly whites so you can maintain a gorgeous, healthy smile, you’ve come to the right place. Dental Wellness of Lexington offers preventive treatments like checkups and cleanings to keep your smile healthy and beautiful. Their four talented dentists also offer a range of restorative and cosmetic procedures that can help your teeth regain their former glory. To make an appointment or for more information about their services, call Dental Wellness of Lexington at (859) 223-4644 or visit their website.

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