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Media – A Major Source of Dental Anxiety

April 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — lexingtondental @ 7:41 am
A woman suffering from dental anxiety

If you’re afraid of the dentist, you happen to be in good company. As many as 36% of US citizens fear dental treatment! That said, there’s a good chance your phobia is being aggravated by film and TV. You see, the connection between dental anxiety and media is such that the latter portrays dentistry poorly. In truth, though, dentists aren’t scary and often make their treatments comfortable. As proof, here’s a summary of the matter from your local Lexington practice.

Media’s Negative Dentistry Portrayals

Since dental procedures can cause discomfort, modern media often exaggerates dentists as either evil or bumbling. The result is that it contributes to people’s dental fears, making the public less willing to get care.

For example, consider Orin Schrivello in the 1986 musical Little Shop of Horrors. That character is a sadistic dentist who enjoys inflicting pain on his patients. Viewers of him could easily conclude that other dentists are the same way.

Similarly, remember Dr. Sherman from the film Finding Nemo. He ignores his niece’s destructive tendencies at various points and accidentally hurts a patient by pulling a tooth too soon. You might then think that all dental professionals are blunderers.

Why Dentists Aren’t Scary

True enough, mild aches are an unavoidable part of some dental procedures. However, the fact remains that trained dentists do everything possible to reduce your pain.

For starters, dental professionals don’t want to cause distress or discomfort. Quite the contrary, in fact – they’ll usually numb your mouth before doing any invasive work. Plus, some practices have soft tissue lasers that painlessly treat the gums.

Furthermore, a dentist’s education ensures patients usually don’t face complications. The four-year program they complete for a DDS or DMD makes them especially careful and precise. Even better, they also take up continuing education hours yearly to keep their skills sharp.

How Dentists Can Make You Comfortable

If you need help with dental anxiety, many dentists have options that make care comfortable. It’s just a matter of finding the right one!

In particular, a stellar dentist could add sedation dentistry to your procedure. This option’s sedative would calm your fear and make treatment smooth and easy. From there, you’d get what you need to enjoy top-tier oral health and a beautiful smile!

You shouldn’t let dental anxiety and media keep you from necessary oral care. As such, talk to your local dentist about treatment choices soon!

About the Practice

Dental Wellness of Lexington is based in Lexington, KY. Led by its amazing team of dentists, our practice strives to give patients top-level dental care. To that end, we perform preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency smile procedures. Naturally, you can also trust us with your dental sedation needs! For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (859)-223-4644.

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